Keepin’ It Between The White Lines
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5, ESV)
Mini Devotional
A mini message to take with you this week to help you in your devotion to God.
Keepin’ It Between The White Lines
Devotional by: Ray Bowman
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:7–8, ESV)
Robert Tankersley fought the good fight and on October 4, 2022, surrounded by his loving family, he finished the race.
Bob served a number of years as a deacon at Holly Hill and as a fellow deacon, later an elder, I benefited tremendously from his ever-present wisdom and cherished his friendship.
We occasionally had an opportunity to “road trip” together, going to seminars, mens’ retreats and some out of town funerals. We would solve the world’s problems and I just generally enjoyed his company. Bob was still wanting to make those trips in recent months and we would make plans. Then there would come the text- “it’s not a good day” - and I’d make the trip solo.
“Tank” was a tremendous example and encouragement to all who knew him. He was a dedicated servant of the Lord and continued to schedule participants for services and to lead singing as long as he could, and even in those last months as the cancer continued to rack his body, his mind remained sharp and his presence at worship services was always uplifting. I’d frequently meet him in the parking lot and walk in to the building with him, asking if it was a good day. More times than not his reply was “fairly good.”
He often closed services with announcements and would inevitably admonish his listeners to “keep it between the white lines” before leading in an eloquent and heart-felt prayer. It was more than a caution to drive safely on the way home. It was his way of reminding fellow Christians of their obligation to live their lives as a reflection of the Savior and in keeping with His admonition…
“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” Matthew 7:13-14 ESV
All I can say is, we’ll miss you Bob, and I hope we all do our best to keep it between the white lines.
These are the challenges that the congregation is actively working on this month.
Our Missions For October
Equip — Invite a church member or family to do something with you outside of the worship assembly.
Teach — Share something with your accountability person (or another church member) that stood out to you from a recent Bible study.
Serve — Ask a deacon, ministry leader, elder, or minister how you can help, and serve in the way they direct you.
*Be on the lookout for weekly training videos on our Facebook and YouTube pages, published each Sunday, to help you complete the challenges.
*As you complete each challenge, drop one of the pom-pom balls into the corresponding jar at the Mission Control Center in the lobby so we can see how many people are completing each challenge. One completion per person, per challenge, per month.
This section is for any special announcements that are not upcoming events or prayer requests.
Send All Announcements And Prayer Requests To Our New Email:
Starting October 1st, any announcement or prayer request you want sent out to the entire church must be submitted via our new email address: We will collect the submissions and group them together and send no more than one email per day. Cutoff for submissions is 4pm every day, and the email will go out at 5pm.
Special Collection For Potters On October 30th
October has five Sundays, and on the last Sunday (October 30th), we will be taking up a special collection for the Potters Children’s Home. All contributions that Sunday will go toward the Children’s Home, so please plan accordingly for your contribution. Thank you!
Here are some individuals that especially need our prayers this week. Please keep them in mind every time you pray.
Family of Bob Tankersley
Sue Paris
David Fair (Asks for prayers for marriage and family situation)
Larry Clarke
Steve Small
Phil and Suzanne Wilkins
Samantha Horn and Baby Cora
Janis Friend
Val Clarke (Surgery to remove braces and screws in her arm)
God’s will for the Tom Roach family
Prayers for Mission Control Challenges
Glenda Mitchum
Lisa & Pete Vogel
Whitney Row and baby
Robin Mayes’ mother, Corinne Dossett (Hip replacement surgery)
Upcoming Events
Here are some events that are coming up that you need to make space on your calendar for.
This Sunday, October 16th at 6pm — Singing Night
We will meet downstairs in the fellowship area to sing together in worship to God, and to encourage each other. The chairs will be arranged in a circle to intentionally draw attention to the fact that we are a family and are singing to build each other up. For many, these singing events are very moving and powerful. We want you to be there!
Thursday, October 20th, 6pm — R.E.A.L. Ladies
The next ladies REAL meeting will be Thursday, October 20th at 6 pm. The meeting will be at the home of Sharon Dailey. Food will be provided. Please sign up on the list located in the lobby if you plan to attend. Jeannie Lebeau will lead the devotional.Sunday, October 23rd — In-Home Small Groups
In order to build relationships with our church family, instead of meeting at the church building, we will meet in each other's homes for a short devotional, guided discussion, prayer, and fellowship. Please see the sign-up lists in the lobby for information on locations, and to sign up for a group.
Sunday, October 30th — Potluck
Every fifth Sunday, we have a potluck after morning worship, and then have a short devotional after the meal. There will be no evening service. Please bring a dish to share and stay for the afternoon devotional as well.
How You Can Serve
There are a lot of ways you can get involved and do the work of God in our community!
For more information or for help signing up for any of these ministries, please call the church office at: (502) 227-7796.
Limited-Time Opportunities:
Backpack Program
We will continue to work with Westridge Elementary School and provide food for 50 students through the weekend Backpack Program. We need your help to keep this program going for the months of October, December, February and April (see list of needed items below).
During these months please write (print) a card to encourage them or write your favorite Bible verse to share with them. We can invite them and their families to worship with us.If you have any questions please reach out to Tom and Sonia Roach. If you make a monetary donation please write Backpack Program in the memo line.
Items needed are:
Vienna sausage
Pull top ravioli cups
Shelf stable yogurt
Beef jerky
Individual cereal
Cheese and crackers
Mac and cheese cups
Mashed potato cups
Beanie weenies
Raisins, pudding cups
Jello cups
Protein bars
Granola bars
Pop tarts
Cheese dippers
Pull top soup cups
Easy open green beans and corn.
October Mission Control Challenges
We have 3 new challenges for the month of October that we need your help on. Please see the section above entitled “Missions” for more information.
Long-Term Opportunities:
Mission Launch Team
We are needing individuals to sign up for the Mission Launch Team. People on this team commit to working on the Mission Control challenges each month, and they also commit to encouraging at least one other person to work on the missions as well. We need you to sign up for this ministry so we can grow the Mission Control program organically from person to person. Sign up for the Mission Launch Team at the Mission Control Center in the lobby.
Tech Team Support — The Holly Hill Tech Team needs help. We would love to have a few more people trained and available to set up the livestreams and audio equipment. It’s a fairly simple task and you’ll be well trained before being thrown into the seat alone. If you’re interested, see Nick, David, or Brad.
Greeter Ministry — We’re looking for people who are friendly and outgoing to welcome our guests and members each Sunday morning. If you are interested, contact Tom Owens.
Card Ministry — Every Sunday there are cards spread out on a table in the lobby that will be sent out to various church members and guests who need encouragement. You can help serve and encourage by making sure to sign these cards each week.
Casey Blessing Box — The Caseys are collecting items to give away to those in need in their Blessing Box. Currently, they are accepting donations of: Can goods of fruit and vegetables. Crackers, or cereal.
Shriners Children’s Hospital — Donna White is collecting soda can tabs to donate to the children’s hospital. Please leave your donations in the lobby.
Holly Hill Church of Christ
1020 Holly Hill Drive
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: (502) 227-7796
Service Times:
Sunday Bible Class: 10am
Sunday Morning Worship, 11am
Sunday Evening Worship, 6pm
Wednesday Evening Bible class: 6:30pm