Am I A Servant?
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5, ESV)
Mini Devotional
A mini message to take with you this week to help you in your devotion to God.
Am I A Servant Of The Lord?
Devotional by: Nick Gill
In 2023, Revelation chapter 5 may be one of the most counter-cultural passages in our Scriptures. Individual autonomy is the spirit of our age, the most unassailable and sacrosanct value of the culture around us. According to our culture, nothing should be allowed to interfere with a person’s freedom, and all things should be arranged to maximize a person’s independence. Submission is a curse-word in our culture.
The ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras once said, “Man is the measure of all things,” so this obsession with individual autonomy and personal fulfillment – this idolatry of the self – is nothing new. But look at Revelation 5 and see how radically different life looks there. Revelation 5 gives us a beautiful portrayal of ultimate reality when all things are set right, and what do we see at the heart of that portrayal? Submission.
“Jesus Christ is Lord” is the central confession of our faith (Romans 10:9). How seriously… how literally do we take those words that everyone reading this article has pledged? JESUS: the man Jesus of Nazareth, born of a virgin in Bethlehem in Judea, descended from the line of King David, crucified for our sins and raised on the third day never to die again. Jesus CHRIST: God’s anointed one, chosen by God to rule and to save. Jesus Christ IS: right now! “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever!” (Hebrews 13:8) Nothing about Him has changed since the moment he was raised. Jesus Christ is LORD: the Greek word is kyrion: Lord, Master, Supreme in Authority.
Jesus Christ is Lord! We have all pledged those words at one time, but are we living by them? Are they the beginning and the end of our daily thinking and our identity? Every one of us can grow in our devotion to King Jesus by submitting to the Spirit daily. God’s Word tells us that sin appears pleasurable for a moment, but that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus. How do we submit to Him more each day?
Keep showing up! James 4:1-7 challenges us to understand that there is a war going on within us, and the most dangerous thing we can do is to go Absent Without Leave from the fight. No matter how much we want to give in to those momentary temptations, James promises that “He [God] gives greater grace. Therefore it says, ‘God opposes the proud, but he gives grace to the humble.’” (James 4:6) It is that grace, given to the submissive – given to those who will receive and live by it – that empowers us to keep up the good fight. Keep showing up!
Submit to the word! Jesus warns us that “the one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word I have spoken will judge in on the last day” (John 12:48). His brother James challenges us to “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:22). Everyone has habits – you’re either in the habit of doing something or in the habit of not doing something. We have so many opportunities to hear the word that, if we’re NOT in the habit of being Doers of the Word, we build up the habit of “not doing” until it becomes almost impossible to break. Little choices build momentum – keep the faith by submitting and being a doer of the word today.
Submit to godly leaders in the local church! In Philippians 1:1, Paul introduces his letter by saying, “Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi with the overseers and deacons…” We don’t need more decision-makers in God’s church – we need more shepherds! Decision-makers lord it over others and boss them around; shepherds lead the way, protecting and encouraging the flock. But shepherds still lead! They set the agenda, they call for service – they call for us to submit to the Chief Shepherd Jesus Christ.
We don’t need blind submission. We need faithful submission out of trust in Jesus Christ, the one who submitted all for us and the one who now has all authority. Because Jesus died for me, I can trust those who He has set over me. Being a servant of the Lord is the highest honor a human can bear. Ask yourself, today and every day, Am I a servant of the Lord?
These are the challenges that the congregation is actively working on this month.
Our Missions For February
Equip — Pick a person in the church to pray for each day for the rest of the month and show that you love them by sharing with them what you’re specifically praying about for them.
Kids’ Challenge — With your parents’ help, choose someone that needs prayers, and pray about them each night before bed.
Teach — Share with a non-Christian something God has done to show His love for you.
Kids’ Challenge — Write down all the things God has done for you to show He loves you. How many can you think of?
Serve — Show love by sacrificing your time, talent, or treasure for someone in need.
Kids’ Challenge — What is something you are good at that you could do to help someone else? Do that this month.
*Be on the lookout for weekly training videos on our Facebook and YouTube pages, published each Sunday, to help you complete the challenges.
*As you complete each challenge, drop one of the pom-pom balls into the corresponding jar at the Mission Control Center in the lobby so we can see how many people are completing each challenge. One completion per person, per challenge, per month.
This section is for any special announcements that are not upcoming events or prayer requests.
Registration For The Marriage Seminar
Please be aware that we are asking all attendees to register for the marriage seminar so we can get a number for childcare and catering. Please register by going to our website:
Childcare Volunteers Needed For The Marriage Seminar
Hey Holly Hill! We are in need of volunteers for childcare at the marriage seminar. We would love this to be people who would not otherwise attend the event. Please contact Kurt at if you’re interested. We currently have six kids signed up that need childcare. Thank you!
Gift Card For Sam & Sarah Webb
Barbara Sudduth is collecting money for a gift card for Sam & Sarah (Anderson) Webb. If you wish to give, see Barbara Sudduth no later than February 19th.
Operation Re-Stock The Food Pantry
The Food Pantry needs to be re-stocked. During the upcoming months we will be asking for specific food donations. For the month of February, we need:
-Spaghetti Sauce
There will be a box in the foyer for you to place your food donations. Thank you so much and let’s make Operation re-stock a success!!
Robin Mayes
Honduras Men’s Mission Trip Contributions
Please contribute to the Honduras Men’s Trip. Your donation could go toward food for the hungry, education for the uneducated, health care for the sick, and other humanitarian needs. We have to see what the humanitarians’ needs are when we get there. We will do our best to be good stewards.
If you know someone that needs to receive a card in the mail from the church, please send a note to with “Cards” in the subject line. We will get that information to Sonia to prepare a card for the church to sign.Friendly Reminder Regarding Church Announcements
Just a friendly reminder to everyone regarding church announcements: If you wish to make an announcement or have a prayer request, please contact Matthew Woodyard via email ( Announcements will be included in our daily email (5pm), our weekly Vine (Thursdays at 10am), and posted to Holly Hill’s Facebook page. If you wish something to be shared, please submit your announcement by 4pm. Emergency prayer requests can be submitted at any time and will be shared as soon as possible. If you’re not receiving our daily emails, weekly Vine Newsletter, or text messages, or if you have any questions about this process, don't hesitate to contact Matthew.
Church Records (2/5/23)
Bible Class Attendance (Sun AM) - 71
Worship Attendance (Sun AM) — 130
Contribution — $6,913.00
Here are some individuals that especially need our prayers this week. Please keep them in mind every time you pray.
New Prayer Requests:
Penny Harland (Katie Bell’s Mother) has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer and will have a procedure Friday
Blake Ramsay (Inez’s Grandson) was in a motorcycle accident, forcing his leg to be amputated
Ongoing Prayers For: Bill Marion (Father of Robin Mayes Childhood Friends), Rusty Bell (Friend of Robin Mayes)Tanya Phipps (Brenda Stone’s Niece), Samantha Stone (Brenda’s daughter), Pete Tropoulos, Phil Wilkins, Butch Elliott (Robin Mayes friend), Gail Keith (Michele Blanton’s mother), Nikki Fenney (Johnny and Julie Widener’s niece), Bertha Young’s family, Pete and Lisa Vogel (Brenda Stone’s brother-in-law and sister), Dorothy Trent, Polly Deaton, Jane Dempsey, Larry Clarke and family, The Horn and Bell family, The Stone family, The Minturn and Montooth family (mourning the loss of Kurt’s grandmother, Ginny), The Catron family (mourning the loss of Paige’s cousin), The Mundt family (as they mourn the loss of Kim’s uncle), Rita Tackett (Alyson Woodyard’s aunt), Inez Ramsey, Sandra Haden (Tiffany Quarles’ mother), Gayle Walker (Anna Marston’s son-in-law), The Allen family (mourning the loss of 7-year-old Andrew Allen), Tammy Dotson Riddle’s mother, The Valentine Family, Family of Bob Tankersley, David Fair (Asks for prayers for marriage and family situation), Steve Small, Phil and Suzanne Wilkins, Janis Friend, Jim Clark (Continued Prayers), God’s will for the Tom Roach family and Hudson, Prayers for Mission Control Challenges, Glenda Mitchum, Lisa & Pete Vogel.
* Please submit your prayer requests for inclusion at
Upcoming Events
Here are some events that are coming up that you need to make space on your calendar for.
Holly Hill Children's Bible Class Teachers/Helpers Meeting — February 12th, Sunday Afternoon at 4:30pm
We will be discussing the new children’s Bible class curriculum (Our Spiritual Heritage), which we plan to begin using next quarter (March). We would like ALL current children’s teachers and helpers to attend, so that you may learn how to best use the new material.
Sunday Night Study Groups — This Sunday, February 12th at 6pm
On this Sunday night, the men will meet in the auditorium for a group session, and the women will meet in room 12 downstairs. Some of the men will teach the children in a separate classroom downstairs in order to allow the mothers to participate in the women's study group. All are welcome! Please bring your family!
“Finding Happily Forever After” Marriage Seminar — Friday, February 17th from 6-8pm & Saturday, February 18th from 9am-12pm
We hope you’ll join us for “Finding Happily Forever After: A His Shoes/Her Shoes Marriage Seminar,” taught by Wayne and Tammy Roberts. The seminar will begin Friday evening, February 17th from 6-8pm. We’ll conclude Saturday morning, February 18th from 9am-12pm. Holly Hill will host the seminar at the church building and childcare will be provided. Save the date. Bring your mate.
Singing Night — Next Sunday Night, February 19th at 6pm
We will meet downstairs in the fellowship area to sing together in worship to God, and to encourage each other. The chairs will be arranged in a circle to intentionally draw attention to the fact that we are a family and are singing to build each other up. For many, these singing events are very moving and powerful. We want you to be there!
REAL Ladies Bible Study — Monday, February 20th at 5:30pm
REAL Ladies will meet Monday, February 20th at 5:30pm. Sarah Jones will be hosting at 9477 Owenton Rd. It will be a breakfast potluck. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board. Hope to see you there!
Men’s Devo & Prayer Breakfast — Saturday Morning, March 4th at 8am
Bring your Bible and your appetite! Join us on the first Saturday morning of each month, for the Men’s Devo and Prayer Breakfast. We will meet downstairs in the Fellowship Hall and be studying from the book of James. See you there!
Elders/Ministers/Deacons Meeting — March 5th, Sunday Afternoon at 4pm
The elders/ministers/deacons will meet on the 1st Sunday of each month, from 4-6pm. The meeting will take place downstairs, in Room 12.
How You Can Serve
There are a lot of ways you can get involved and do the work of God in our community!
For more information or for help signing up for any of these ministries, please call the church office at: (502) 227-7796.
Limited-Time Opportunities:
Contribute To The Honduras Men’s Mission Trip
Please contribute to the Honduras Men’s Trip. Your donation could go toward food for the hungry, education for the uneducated, health care for the sick, and other humanitarian needs. We have to see what the humanitarians’ needs are when we get there. We will do our best to be good stewards.
Operation Re-stock the Food Pantry
The Food Pantry needs to be re-stocked. During the upcoming months we will be asking for specific food donations. For the month of February, we need:
-Spaghetti Sauce
There will be a box in the foyer for you to place your food donations. Thank you so much and let’s make Operation re-stock a success!!
February Mission Control Challenges
We have 3 new challenges for the month of January that we need your help on. Please see the section above entitled “Missions” for more information.
Long-Term Opportunities:
Mission Launch Team
We are needing individuals to sign up for the Mission Launch Team. People on this team commit to working on the Mission Control challenges each month, and they also commit to encouraging at least one other person to work on the missions as well. We need you to sign up for this ministry so we can grow the Mission Control program organically from person to person. Sign up for the Mission Launch Team at the Mission Control Center in the lobby.
Tech Team Support — The Holly Hill Tech Team needs help. We would love to have a few more people trained and available to set up the livestreams and audio equipment. It’s a fairly simple task and you’ll be well trained before being thrown into the seat alone. If you’re interested, see Nick, David, or Brad.
Greeter Ministry — We’re looking for people who are friendly and outgoing to welcome our guests and members each Sunday morning. If you are interested, contact Tom Owens.
Card Ministry — Every Sunday there are cards spread out on a table in the lobby that will be sent out to various church members and guests who need encouragement. You can help serve and encourage by making sure to sign these cards each week.
Casey Blessing Box — The Casey’s are collecting items to give away to those in need in their Blessing Box. Currently, they are accepting donations of: Can goods of fruit and vegetables. Crackers, or cereal.
Shriners Children’s Hospital — Donna White is collecting soda can tabs to donate to the children’s hospital. Please leave your donations in the lobby.
Children’s Bible Class Teachers/Helpers — Our next quarter begins in March, so we will be needing to staff our Children’s Bible Classes. If you’d be willing to teach, sub, or help, please see Matthew Woodyard. We have a wonderful opportunity to teach God’s Word to our children. Let’s make sure they get our very best! Thank you!
Holly Hill Church of Christ
1020 Holly Hill Drive
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: (502) 227-7796
Service Times:
Sunday Bible Class: 10am
Sunday Morning Worship, 11am
Sunday Evening Worship, 6pm
Wednesday Evening Bible class: 6:30pm