“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5, ESV)
Mini Devotional
A mini message to take with you this week to help you in your devotion to God.
Devotional By: Mark Johnson
I was sooooooo excited. Nothing, and I mean nothing, like this had ever occurred in my ENTIRE life. It was August 27, 1964, and I was 12 years old. My father had somehow secured 2 tickets at an astronomical price of $5.50 each so my sister and I could share in our first concert. We sat together in the old Cincinnati Gardens with great anticipation for what was to come.
Finally, after sitting through 3 opening acts, the hour arrived. Ladies and Gentlemen – John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr…THE BEATLES!!!! All of you have heard the saying, “you could hear a pin drop.” Not on this night. The old films of screaming teenage girls going berserk at every Beatles concert does not truly reflect the absurdity of the situation. I never heard a song. I do remember people all around us with fingers in their ears. It was the only way you could hear a note…. maybe.
Quoting the internet, “This was the Beatles first Queen City appearance with the seventh date on their first full American tour. The quartet took less than 30 minutes to barrel through 12 songs, nearly half drawn from that year’s A Hard Day’s Night in front of 14,000 screaming fans.” For a moment, let’s change history and say 13,998 screaming fans. We were fans, but did not scream.
The ensuing six years were a “Magical Mystery Tour” where the Beatles left a musical legacy like no other, before or since. There was disbelief and heart break when in April 1970, it was announced the Beatles were going their separate ways. Memories were all that was left.
Shocked does not adequately describe the reaction of fans, when in the summer of 2023, Paul McCartney announced the Beatles would release a new song in November. The origin of the song, Now and Then, is a discussion for another day, but the truly amazing part was that all four Beatles, two which are deceased, contributed musically to the recording thanks to advancements in technology. And, of course, there would be a video.
The video is emotional, but it is the ending that fans will never forget. The band is onstage at the end of a concert, all face the audience, bow and then fade away. The only thing in the final frame is the group’s name. Gone, it’s over, no more, the final song, the final time, never to be heard from again as a group were thoughts running through my mind. But what I said out loud to the screen was, “That’s Biblical.” I know, I need help because I talk to my computer screen all the time.
There is an ending for everything. We all have an expiration date. Death is part of life. We enter earth’s stage, we, as Christians, strive to live a life that reflects the glory of our God, and then we leave this earthly home for an eternal one. Our lives are nothing more than a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. (James 4:14)
The Holly Hill Church of Christ is no different than any other congregation. We have experienced highs and lows throughout our history. With the announcement a few weeks ago regarding leadership, the membership was presented with an opportunity for a new beginning, a new approach. The day of that announcement and every day prior was THEN. Ancient history. May we accept, adjust, and move on. What we do NOW is what is important. As long as Christ is the center of our congregation and of our lives, the future for Holly Hill is bright. A vital way of keeping us Christ-focused is to show appreciation and grace to all who have contributed to Holly Hill, Boone Plaza, and Louisville Road in the past.
The Bible doesn’t encourage us to wait until we graduate, get married, finish sowing our wild oats, find ourselves or retire before we begin to serve Christ. Rather, it calls us to do so today. The wise person knows that that the best way to spend our limited time on this earth is on the Lord’s work, preferably together.
As C.T. Studd, a British missionary once put it, there is…
“Only one life,
’Twill soon be past.
Only what’s done
For Christ will last.”
This section is for any special announcements that are not upcoming events or prayer requests.
Life Groups: Coming Soon
School’s started back, summer’s winding down, and we’re entering into one of our favorite seasons here at Holly Hill. No, I’m not talking about Fall. It’s Life Group season and we need volunteers! If you’re interested in hosting, facilitating, or both, please make sure you sign up on the sign-up sheet posted to the bulletin board in the foyer.
Bridal Shower Luncheon For Andrew Roach & Sydney Janes
The ladies of the congregation are invited to a bridal luncheon for Sydney Janes and Andrew Roach. The luncheon will take place at Holly Hill on August 24th at 12 PM. Details and a sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board.
Update On Emmie Forrest
“Surgery began this morning at 7:30 AM! Please Pray everything goes successfully and pray that she will be able to remain extubated afterword!” UPDATED (8/14/24 @ 7PM)
They said it will be a long one because of all the work that she has to do. So probably early afternoon before she will be done. But I will try to update once she is out tomorrow 💕
The neurosurgeon just came in and said she’s going to put Emmie on the schedule for surgery first thing Thursday morning! By Thursday it will have been 6 weeks since the accident- so right around the time we had originally discussed!
Please be in prayer with us this week over the success of the surgery. She is going to pull out the EVD and as of right now the plan is to not put a shunt in which is great! If she ends up needing one later, it’s no big deal to go back in and place at a later date. The plan is to put Emmie’s bone back (it’s been in a freezer at UT this whole time! 🙃) so with that we also pray that her body will reaccept it and form itself back together with no issues or complications.
Some other things I have been wanting to previously mention:
Because of the location of Emmie’s injury on her brain, it is likely that she will have delays with speech. She has not said nor tried to say any words yet. Her jaw muscles are pretty tight and it takes a lot for her to even open her mouth. The speech therapist mentioned today she’s thinking Emmie has oral apraxia, which basically just means her brain isn’t able to send the right signals to her mouth/lips/tongue for them to operate normally. This is something that we can work with and can improve over time- but it takes TIME. And may not totally come back either. So, another thing for us to all be in prayer over!!
The other thing I have been wanting to mention is once we are discharged from here Emmie will need intensive therapies (PT/OT/Speech) for a while at an inpatient facility. Good news is we get to come back to KY! We are working towards getting into Frazier rehab center in Louisville! Once she goes through this surgery and recovers then there won’t be anything else holding us here in Knoxville. Potentially within a week and a half we could be moving!! But again- I will for sure keep everyone updated on the progress and timeline of all that 😊
Pennyrile Church Of Christ’s Youth Rally, “Prodigal” - Saturday, August 24th (11 AM - 8 PM)
“Join us for a day of worship, fellowship, and fun. Jarrod McMillan will be leading our worship and Bob Palmer will be our speaker this year. We still have plenty of room available, so please disregard the registration deadline shown. The cost of admission will be $5, with lunch and dinner being provided.”
Holly Hill’s Service Committees & Committee Leaders
In order to efficiently conduct worship and to serve the needs of the congregation, the men’s leadership team have decided upon the following committees and committee leaders. Please contact any of these men with any questions you may have.
Leader(s): Robert Roach & Jeff Jones
Spiritual Matters of the Church; Minister(s); Adult Bible Classes; & Leadership Development.
Leader: Scott Trent
Planning/Executing Worship Services; Worship Technology; & Scheduling Men to Lead Worship.
Leader(s): OPEN
Sun AM Bible Class; Wed PM Bible Class; Scheduling Teachers & Helpers; Curriculum; & Substitute Teaching.
Leader: Tom Owens
Budget; Bills & Expenses; Credit Cards & Bank Accounts; Mortgage; & Contribution.
Leader: Brad Gregory
Building Maintenance; Parking Lot & Grounds; Building Security; & Scheduling Building Use.
Leader(s): David Jones, Mike Mayes, & Matthew Woodyard
Announcements; Emails & Newsletter; Food Pantry, Backpack Program, VBS, Meal Train, Card Program, & Outreach Ministries; Social Media; & Guest Center, Gift Bags, & Connection Cards.
Leader: Bruce Blanton
Youth Activity Planning Team; & Planning Youth Activities.
Church Records: Sunday, August 11th
Bible Class Attendance - 68
Worship Attendance - 106
Contribution - $4,057.00
Here are some individuals that especially need our prayers this week. Please keep them in mind every time you pray.
New Prayer Requests:
Emmie Forrest (Undergoes surgery 8/15)
Phil & Suzanne Wilkins (Phil’s hospitalized w/ iron deficiency & Suzanne fell and twisted her knee)
Johnny Widener (had a biopsy earlier this week, so pray it’s cancer)
Sharon Smither (Adam Owens’ mother-in-law, who has very limited cardiac function and had a bad cardiac episode earlier this week)
Casey Maddox & Family (Friend of Susan Kennon, who is very ill in the ICU)
Mike Lay (Stage 4 Cancer)
David Bird (Back Surgery)
Ongoing Prayers For: Brenda Perkins (Multiple Sclerosis), Larry & Renita Clarke, Libby Smith, Lori Armstrong (friend of April Deaton, battling cancer), Cecelia Bryant (Jim Clark’s sister, recovering from surgery due to an aneurism), The Best & Drury Family, Jerry Roberts (member of the Clark family, who’s suffered a brain bleed), Thelma Spears (member of the Clark family, who’s recovering from a heart attack), Iris Griffin (Inez Chatham’s niece), Jessie Tropoulos, Kyle Cordial (Val Clark’s friend), The Stone & Sanders Family, Karen Durham (Val Clark’s friend), Britney Bartley (Val Clark’s friend), Jim & Val Clark, Phil & Suzanne Wilkins, Amber Collins, Janice Gregory, Missy Farmer (friend of Dorothy Trent), Tim Lilly, Tanya Phipps (Brenda Stone’s niece), Robin Ibershoff, Roger Caudill, Judy Casey, Inez Chatham, John Widener Jr., Rita Tackett (Alyson Woodyard’s aunt), Cynthia Whitehead (friend of the Blanton’s), Ann Pittman, Mark McPherson, Janis Friend, Betty Blanton, Helen Hall, Penny Harland (Katie Bell’s mother), Alyssa Deaton, & Polly Deaton.
Please submit your prayer requests for inclusion at
Upcoming Events
Here are some events that are coming up that you need to make space on your calendar for.
The Oreo Olympics: Ice Cream & Cookie Social - Saturday, August 17th (1 - 3 PM)
Join us on Saturday, August 17th (1-3 PM), for the Oreo Olympics: Ice Cream & Cookie Social. We'll have homemade cookies, an ice cream truck, events for all ages, food, fellowship, and fun!
There’s a “COOKIE” sign-up sheet in the foyer on the bulletin board.
Sunday Morning Service - Sunday, August 18th (10 AM - 12 PM)
Bible classes for all ages begin at 10 AM. Our adult class will meet in the auditorium and the children’s classes meet downstairs. Bible Classes end at 10:45 AM and our worship service begins at 11 AM, upstairs in the auditorium.
Sunday Evening Worship - Sunday, August 18th (6 PM)
A traditional worship service each Sunday night at 6 PM. Our Sunday evening services continue through the end of August.
REAL Ladies Bible Study - Tuesday, August 20th (6 PM)
This month’s REAL Ladies Bible Study will be on Tuesday, August 20th at 6 PM. Glenna Goins will be hosting at her home, so contact the office ( for directions.
There’s a sign-up sheet posted in the foyer.
Mid-Week Service - Wednesday, August 21st (6:30 PM)
Bible classes for all ages. Adults meet in the auditorium and kids meet downstairs. The adult class for the summer quarter is “Bee in The Word,” taught by Elijah Bell.
Bridal Shower Luncheon For Andrew Roach & Sydney Janes - Saturday, August 24th (12 PM)
The ladies of the congregation are invited to a bridal luncheon for Sydney Janes and Andrew Roach. The luncheon will take place at Holly Hill on August 24th at 12 PM.
Details and a sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board.
Sunday Morning Service - Sunday, August 25th (10 AM - 12 PM)
Bible classes for all ages begin at 10 AM. Our adult class will meet in the auditorium and the children’s classes meet downstairs. Bible Classes end at 10:45 AM and our worship service begins at 11 AM, upstairs in the auditorium.
Sunday Evening Worship - Sunday, August 25th (6 PM)
A traditional worship service each Sunday night at 6 PM. Our Sunday evening services continue through the end of August.
Women In The Word - Tuesday, August 27th (6 PM)
A Bible study group for ladies who want to learn Bible study tools for a deeper relationship with God, hosted and taught by Katie Bell. This class will meet on the 4th Tuesday (6 PM) of each month downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.
Mid-Week Service - Wednesday, August 28th (6:30 PM)
Bible classes for all ages. Adults meet in the auditorium and kids meet downstairs. The adult class for the summer quarter is “Bee in The Word,” taught by Elijah Bell.
How You Can Serve
There are a lot of ways you can get involved and do the work of God in our community!
Limited-Time Opportunities:
Meal Train For Phil & Suzanne Wilkins
There are times in our lives when friends and family ask, "What can I do to help out?" The answer is usually to help them with a meal. When many friends provide support through a meal, Meal Train keeps everyone organized. is a free meal calendar tool that makes planning meals among a wide group easy and less stressful.
Operation Re-Stock The Food Pantry
The Food Pantry needs to be re-stocked. During the upcoming months we will be asking for specific food donations. There will be a box in the foyer for you to place your food donations. Thank you so much and let’s make Operation Re-Stock a success!! For the month of August, we need:
Instant Potatoes
Instant Rice
Long-Term Opportunities:
Tech Team Support
The Holly Hill Tech Team needs help. We would love to have a few more people trained and available to set up the livestreams and audio equipment. It’s a fairly simple task and you’ll be well trained before being thrown into the seat alone. If you’re interested, see David Jones, Brad Gregory, or Brad Proctor.
Card Ministry
Every Sunday there are cards spread out on a table in the lobby that will be sent out to various church members and guests who need encouragement. You can help serve and encourage by making sure to sign these cards each week. If you know of someone the church should send a card, please give the name(s) and address to Joyce Best. We have “get-well” cards, “thinking of you” cards, “praying for you” cards, and sympathy cards. You can also text the information to (502) 593-5865.
Casey Blessing Box
The Casey’s are collecting items to give away to those in need in their Blessing Box. Currently, they are accepting donations of:
Can Goods (Fruit & Vegetables)
Shriners Children’s Hospital
Donna White is collecting soda can tabs to donate to the children’s hospital. Please leave your donations in the lobby.
Children’s Bible Class Teachers & Helpers
If you’d be willing to teach, sub, or help, please see a member of church leadership. We have a wonderful opportunity to teach God’s Word to our children. Let’s make sure they get our very best! Thank you!
For more information or for help signing up for any of these ministries, please call the church office at: (502) 227-7796
Holly Hill Church of Christ
1020 Holly Hill Drive, Frankfort, KY 40601
Web -
Phone - (502) 227-7796
Email -
Service Times
Sun AM Bible Study - 10am
Sun AM Worship - 11am
Sun PM Worship - 6pm
Wed PM Bible Study - 6:30pm