Learning Center
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The Humility Of A Servant
A lesson by Nick Gill on serving out of an attitude of humility, with Jesus as our prime example when He washed His disciples' feet.
He Has Risen!
Here are 3 things that we can be confident of because of the face that Jesus rose from the dead.
Submitting Together In Thought (Together In Mutual Submission #1)
This is the first out of three lessons in our series entitled "Together In Mutual Submission". This lesson is brought to us by Kurt Montooth.
Winning People With Gentleness and Respect
Tonight's lesson was brought to us by Nick Gill.
How Does The Spirit Unite Us To Work? (Together In Spirit #3)
This is a 4 part sermon series called “Together in Spirit”. Today’s lesson by Elijah Bell answers the question: “how does the Spirit unite us to work?”
How Do We Quench The Spirit? (Together In Spirit #2)
This is a 4 part sermon series called “Together in Spirit”. Today’s lesson by Kurt Montooth answers the question: “How do we quench the Holy Spirit?”
How Does The Spirit Bond Us Together? (Together In Spirit #1)
This is a 4 part sermon series called “Together in Spirit”. Today’s lesson by Kurt Montooth answers the question: “How does the Holy Spirit bind us together?”
How Do We Love?(Together In Love #3)
A 3 part sermon series on love brought to us by Kurt Montooth.
What Is Love? (Together In Love #2)
A 3 part sermon series on love brought to us by Kurt Montooth.
Why We Should Love (Together In Love #1)
A 3 part sermon series on love brought to us by Kurt Montooth.
Now What? (Only Together #5)
This sermon was brought to us by Kurt Montooth and is the 5th in our series called "Only Together."
The Church Only Works Together (Only Together #4)
This sermon was brought to us by Elijah Bell and is the 4th in our series called "Only Together."
What’s God Been Doing? (Only Together #3)
This sermon was delivered by Kurt Montooth and is the 3rd in our series called "Only Together."
Together In Identity (Only Together, #2)
This is the second in our series called "Only Together," in which Kurt brings us a message from Scripture about how we are to be united in Christ, and not make arbitrary distinctions and divisions among ourselves.
Jesus Is Saving The Church (Only Together, #1)
Christianity is not something that one does alone. Jesus came to establish His church, and He promised to save His church, and He is coming back for His church. Salvation is found TOGETHER with the church. This sermon is part of a series entitled ONLY TOGETHER, and was delivered by Kurt Montooth.
Joy To The World
When you are confronted with the knowledge that King Jesus has come to earth, what is your response? Joy, or being troubled?
Finding Hope In The Darkness (#3)
Do you have true hope? How do you find it? Watch to learn more.