Weathering The Storms
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5, ESV)
Mini Devotional
A mini message to take with you this week to help you in your devotion to God.
Weathering The Storms
Devotional by: Tom Roach
We have had several strong storms roll through the area in the past several days. Previously I shared my thoughts on how blessed we are to have shelter from harsh weather. This article looks at the blessing from a different angle.
Starting in Matthew 5:45, Jesus tells his followers that God causes the sun to shine and the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. His point isn’t about the actual weather. He uses the weather as a metaphor to highlight that good and bad people will both enjoy some prosperity and have difficult situations or trials. Jesus demonstrates His power over the physical world which reinforces that He has power over the things we can’t see. Matt 8:26-27 “And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. And the men marveled, saying, What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?” Knowing that this, the question then becomes how do we prepare ourselves to handle both the difficulties of life?
The hymn “We Have an Anchor” by Priscilla Owens aptly describes our best preparation in the refrain. “We have an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and sure while the billows roll; fastened to the Rock which cannot move, grounded firm and deep in the Saviour’s love!” Each of the four verses have a specific example of trying times.
Verse one’s sentiment about strong tides will strain lift and strain the cable indicates a time of general distress as rising tides would affect most or all people. Ps 107:28-31: The Lord brought them out of their distress and calmed the storm and its waves. Isaiah 25:4 “For you have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat; for the breath of the ruthless is like a storm against a wall,”
Verse two’s thoughts about being near a dangerous shoreline with angry waves and a reef seem to indicate a very personally tumultuous time. Psalm 7:10: My shield is God Most High, who saves the upright in heart.” Psalm 57:1 “Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by.”
Verse three highlights the difficulties everyone will face: taking our last breath. Phil 3:20-21 “ But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power that enables Him even to subject all things to Himself.”
And finally verse four asks the most important question of all: will we anchor safe on the heavenly shore when the storms of life are evermore past for us? Matt11:28: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Revelation 21:4 “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
Keep yourself anchored to the Lord so that when the storms of life assail, you will be safely secure. Hebrews 6:19: "This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.”
This section is for any special announcements that are not upcoming events or prayer requests.
Operation Re-Stock the Food Pantry (March)
The Food Pantry needs to be re-stocked. During the upcoming months we will be asking for specific food donations. There will be a box in the foyer for you to place your food donations. Thank you so much and let’s make Operation re-stock a success!! For the month of March, we need:
Canned Green Beans
Canned Corn
Canned Carrots
Update On Robin Ibershoff
Robin Ibershoff wanted to share a quick update on her health. She recently received good news from her MRI results, and doctors are managing her condition with medication. She's also working with the Frankfort Eye Clinic to address ongoing headaches and vision issues. Robin is deeply grateful for your prayers and asks that you continue to keep her in your prayers as she still figures out what is causing the headaches and double vision.
Church Records - Sunday, February 25th
Bible Class Attendance - 81
Worship Attendance - 130
Contribution - $7,261.00
Here are some individuals that especially need our prayers this week. Please keep them in mind every time you pray.
New Prayer Requests:
Robin Ibershoff
Jessica Mayes
The Bates Family
Steve Small
Ongoing Prayers For: Roger Caudill, Mark & Mary Johnson, Judy Casey, Inez Chatham, Fern Perkins (Matthew Woodyard’s aunt), John Widener Jr., The Tropoulos Family, Rita Tackett (Alyson Woodyard’s aunt), Cynthia Whitehead (friend of the Blanton’s), Patsy Cable (Bruce Blanton’s aunt), Ann Pittman, Larry & Renita Clarke, Mark McPherson, Janis Friend, Rhoda Jones, Betty Blanton, Helen Hall, Penny Harland (Katie Bell’s mother), Alyssa Deaton, Polly Deaton, & Phil & Suzanne Wilkins.
Please submit your prayer requests for inclusion at
Upcoming Events
Here are some events that are coming up that you need to make space on your calendar for.
Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast - Saturday, March 2nd (8AM)
The Men's Bible Study & Breakfast is a monthly event, held on the first Saturday of each month. The Bible study takes place at the church building, downstairs in the fellowship hall, at 8AM.
Small Groups/Mission Control - Sunday, March 3rd (TBD)
Please remember to sign up on the bulletin board for one of the groups below. Additionally, please get in touch the host of the group you are planning to attend to let them know you want to participate!
The groups for the Winter/Spring season are as follows:
Elijah and Katie Bell are hosting in their apartment. Their group will meet at 2PM.
Todd Best and Tom Roach are co-hosting a group that will alternate meeting at Todd's house in Waddy and at Joyce's house in Shelbyville.
Ray and Stephenia Bowman are hosting a group in Rm 12 downstairs at the building.
Nick and Carly Gill are hosting a group at their house at 2PM (at least for the first meeting - we will discuss and see what time works best for the group)
Kurt and Emily Montooth are hosting a group at their house at 4:30PM.
“Large Group” Evening Service — Sunday, March 10th (4PM)
On the 2nd Sunday of each month, we will have a traditional service at 4PM.
Holly Hill Ladies Breakfast - Saturday, March 16th (9AM)
Breakfast for all the Holly Hill ladies on March 16th at 9:00am in the Holly Hill Fellowship Hall. The Esther’s are providing the breakfast so don’t worry about bringing anything. We are looking forward to spending time together, singing, a short devotional, and building friendships. If you have any questions, ask Jeannie LeBeau or Sonia Roach. We will have a sign-up sheet so we can plan the food adequately. We hope to see you there!
Small Groups - Sunday, March 3rd (TBD)
Please remember to sign up on the bulletin board for one of the groups below. Additionally, please get in touch the host of the group you are planning to attend to let them know you want to participate!
The groups for the Winter/Spring season are as follows:
Elijah and Katie Bell are hosting in their apartment. Their group will meet at 2PM.
Todd Best and Tom Roach are co-hosting a group that will alternate meeting at Todd's house in Waddy and at Joyce's house in Shelbyville.
Ray and Stephenia Bowman are hosting a group in Rm 12 downstairs at the building.
Nick and Carly Gill are hosting a group at their house at 2PM (at least for the first meeting - we will discuss and see what time works best for the group)
Kurt and Emily Montooth are hosting a group at their house at 4:30PM.
REAL Ladies Bible Study - Thursday, March 21st (6PM)
The REAL Ladies Bible Study will be hosted at the church building by Alyson Woodyard on Thursday, March 21st at 6PM. More info to follow in the coming weeks.
“Large Group” Evening Service — Sunday, March 24th (4PM)
On the 4th Sunday of each month, we will have a traditional service at 4PM.
5th Sunday Potluck Meal - Sunday, March 31st (Immediately Following Worship)
Our “5th Sunday” service will follow our normal Sunday morning schedule, Bible Classes at 10am & Worship at 11am. We hope you’ll stick around following worship and join us for a potluck meal, downstairs in the fellowship hall. We look forward to seeing you there!
5th Sunday Singing Service - Sunday, March 31st (Immediately Following Potluck Meal)
On the 5th Sunday of each month immediately following our potluck meal, we will gather together and sing in worship to God.
How You Can Serve
There are a lot of ways you can get involved and do the work of God in our community!
Limited-Time Opportunities:
Westridge Elementary Backpack Program
The backpack program with Westridge Elementary School starts for Holly Hill on Wednesday, January 31st. Please see below for items needed to pack snack bags for the WES students. If you have any questions please see Carly Gill. Listed below are items that you can donate for the backpack program:
Ramen Noodle Packages
Nutri Grain Bars
Easy Mac
Chef Boyardee Ravioli
Vienna Sausages
Granola Bars
Fruit Cups
Fruit Snacks
Individual Applesauce Cups
Oatmeal Packets
Individual Cookie Packs
Beanie Weenies
Canned Tuna
Canned Soups
Cheese & Cracker (Individual Packs)
Pudding Cups
Individual Cereal
Operation Re-Stock the Food Pantry
The Food Pantry needs to be re-stocked. During the upcoming months we will be asking for specific food donations. There will be a box in the foyer for you to place your food donations. Thank you so much and let’s make Operation re-stock a success!! For the month of March, we need:
Canned Green Beans
Canned Corn
Canned Carrots
Long-Term Opportunities:
Tech Team Support
The Holly Hill Tech Team needs help. We would love to have a few more people trained and available to set up the livestreams and audio equipment. It’s a fairly simple task and you’ll be well trained before being thrown into the seat alone. If you’re interested, see Nick, David, or Brad.
Card Ministry
Every Sunday there are cards spread out on a table in the lobby that will be sent out to various church members and guests who need encouragement. You can help serve and encourage by making sure to sign these cards each week. If you know of someone the church should send a card, please give the name(s) and address to Joyce Best. We have “get-well” cards, “thinking of you” cards, “praying for you” cards, and sympathy cards. You can also text the information to (502) 593-5865.
Casey Blessing Box
The Casey’s are collecting items to give away to those in need in their Blessing Box. Currently, they are accepting donations of: Can goods of fruit and vegetables. Crackers, or cereal.
Shriners Children’s Hospital
Donna White is collecting soda can tabs to donate to the children’s hospital. Please leave your donations in the lobby.
Children’s Bible Class Teachers & Helpers
If you’d be willing to teach, sub, or help, please see Matthew Woodyard. We have a wonderful opportunity to teach God’s Word to our children. Let’s make sure they get our very best! Thank you!
For more information or for help signing up for any of these ministries, please call the church office at: (502) 227-7796
Holly Hill Church of Christ
1020 Holly Hill Drive, Frankfort, KY 40601
Web -
Phone - (502) 227-7796
Email -
Service Times
Sunday Bible Class - 10am
Sunday Morning Worship - 11am
Sunday Evening Worship - 6pm
Wednesday Evening Bible Study - 6:30pm