I Got This
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5, ESV)
Mini Devotional
A mini message to take with you this week to help you in your devotion to God.
I Got This
Devotional by: Tom Roach
Three dangerous words are “I got this.” The speaker assumes they have the process figured out and they will arrive at the correct solution. Although teenagers or young adults may say these words more often, they may be more dangerous when said by older people. The statement may be okay for rudimentary tasks or school homework assignments, however that may not be the correct assumption when it comes to larger life circumstances. Proverbs 16:18 warns us that pride goes before destruction; while 29:23 says pride will bring us low.
When hearing these words uttered, someone with more experience may respond with, “no, I don’t think you do.” That’s the opportunity to step back and ask for assistance before we do “it” wrong and get hurt, literally or figuratively. Proverbs 11:2 states the humble will have wisdom and 14:6 states knowledge is easy for a man of understanding. Also, Proverbs 30:5 states God shields those who trust Him; and Hebrews 5:14 states that training and constant practice will sharpen our powers of discernment.
Unfortunately, too many think they “got this” when they couldn’t be further from the truth. Satan wants us to think we have “it” when God has all of “it” for us. In Matthew 4, Christ didn’t say that He “had it.” On the contrary, the Son of God quoted scripture when responding to Satan’s temptations. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says that God won’t allow us to be tempted beyond our ability and will provide a way to escape. Our difficulty is finding and utilizing that escape.
Finally, Proverbs 26:12 warns us from being wise in our own eyes indicating that a fool has more hope. Chapter 27:2 says it’s better for others to praise us than our own mouths.
Gods got this. Let’s get out of our own way and submit to our King’s way to live abundantly (John 10:10).
These are the challenges that the congregation is actively working on this month.
Our Missions For December
Equip - Sign up to host a meal for Feasting For Fellowship 2024.
Teach - Share your favorite Bible verse with a non-church member and explain why it’s meaningful to you.
Serve - Look around the congregation and identify a need and then fill it.
This section is for any special announcements that are not upcoming events or prayer requests.
Sunday Night Revamp Survey (Survey Link Provided)
For the last several months, the elders and ministers have been discussing how to best utilize the opportunities that Sunday Nights present. The goal of the elders and ministers is to encourage an environment of discipleship where Holly Hill can mature together as disciples of Jesus. The leadership team has defined discipleship as “the process of intentionally building relationships to grow together as disciples into the fullness of Christ,” and Disciples as people who “follow Jesus, are being transformed into his likeness, and are committed to his Kingdom mission.”
In order to work towards accomplishing these tasks, we have had the following Sunday Night programming each month: Mission Control, Women’s and Men’s Studies, Singing Sunday, and Small Group Sunday. Now, we want to evaluate the effectiveness of these programs at encouraging disciple making and discipleship, and to provide the congregation with a specific opportunity to express their views about how to best accomplish Holly Hill’s goal.
We hope you will provide valuable feedback as we evaluate the effectiveness of the current Sunday Night rotation in order to consider how best to use Sunday nights to grow as the people of God. The primary goal is not increased attendance – that will come naturally as a side effect of meaningful activities. Instead, the primary goal is to better help those who participate in our Sunday night programs to become disciples.
In order to help evaluate the Sunday Night programs, please complete the following survey:
“Feasting For Fellowship” Beginning January 2024!
Hey Holly Hill! We have an amazing upcoming ministry challenge for January of 2024. We’re continuing “Feasting for Fellowship” for a second year! The goal is simple: Each day in January 2024, members of Holly Hill will assemble with one another to break bread. Simply put, this means that each day of the month at least 2 of our members (from different households), will meet and eat. Think of it as a prayer chain, but instead of praying, we’re eating! We will be posting a signup sheet where members can choose a date to share a meal. That may include having a family or two over for dinner, members meeting up at a restaurant for lunch, or grabbing lunch with a member who happens to work in the same building. We need folks to sign up on the bulletin board, agreeing to be responsible for a certain meal/date. This will be an amazing opportunity for our congregation! What a fun and exciting way to try and put into action Acts 2:42-47!
Christmas Food Boxes Deadline - Thursday, December 14th
The deadline for the Christmas Food Boxes is Thursday, December 14th. Please let Mike or Robin Mayes know ASAP. We will be packing the boxes on Sunday, December 17 at 4pm. We will need volunteers to help this time because we will be packing 24-25 boxes.
Announcement From the Elders
Recently we have had a significant increase in spam and scam phone calls to the church’s office number. As a result, there is an increased likelihood the answering machine will pick up before one of the ministers. If this happens, please leave a message and someone will contact you as soon as possible. We expect this will subside after the Holidays and appreciate your patience.
Church Records - Sunday, December 3rd
Bible Class Attendance - 75
Worship Attendance - 127
Contribution - $9,435.97
If you wish to make an announcement, please contact Matthew Woodyard via email (office@hollyhillcoc.org). Announcements submitted after 4pm will be included in the next day’s email. Emergency requests will be shared as soon as possible. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the church office at (502) 227-7796.
Here are some individuals that especially need our prayers this week. Please keep them in mind every time you pray.
New Prayer Requests:
Beth Hawkins (Kurt’s cousin)
Dorothy Trent (Has been discharged and is currently back home)
Wanda Weakley (family friend of the Woodyard’s battling cancer)
Ongoing Prayers For: Louise Roach, Ann Pittman, Steve Small, Larry & Renita Clarke, Candi Early (Mike & Robin Mayes’ sister-in-law's sister), Abe Martha (Brenda Stone’s nephew-in-law), Rita Tackett (Alyson Woodyard’s aunt), The Stone & Morris Family, The Kerman & Chatham Family, The Parrott Family, Aundreya Rich & Holly Collins, Jerry Mayes, Phillip Bartley, Michael Morris, Mark McPherson, Charlotte & Tanner Henderson (Elijah’s sister and brother-in-law, who lost a child), Wilton Hudson, Scarlet Stumbo (aunt of Val Clark), James Robert (Val Clark’s uncle), Janis Friend, Pam Smith (foster parent of Robin Mayes niece, Lexi), Horn family, Butch Elliott (friend of Robin Mayes), Rhoda Jones, Betty Blanton, Bill & Mary Jo Marion (friends of Robin Mayes), Helen Hall, Penny Harland (Katie Bell’s mother), Alyssa Deaton, Pete & Jessie Tropoulos, Rusty Bell (friend of Robin Mayes), Gail Keith (Michele Blanton’s mother), Nikki Fenney (Johnny & Julie Widener’s niece), Bertha Young’s Family, Polly Deaton, Sandra Haden (Tiffany Quarles’ mother), Valentine family, David Fair (prayers for his marriage & family situation), Phil & Suzanne Wilkins, prayers for Mission Control Challenges, Glenda Mitchum.
Please submit your prayer requests for inclusion at office@hollyhillcoc.org
Upcoming Events
Here are some events that are coming up that you need to make space on your calendar for.
Children’s Christmas Party - Sunday Afternoon, December 10th (Immediately Following Worship)
This year’s Children’s Christmas Party will be Sunday, December 10th following the conclusion of worship, downstairs in the fellowship hall. As part of this, we are going to have an opportunity for the kids to donate new or gently used toys that they think other children might ike! We want to make an opportunity to get our kids into the giving spirit and to think of other kids who might not have as much as they do! Feel free to bring those this Sunday to the party or over the following weeks.
Study Groups - Sunday Night, December 10th at 6pm
On this Sunday night, the men will meet in the auditorium for a group session, and the women will meet in room 12 downstairs. Some of the men will teach the children in a separate classroom downstairs in order to allow the mothers to participate in the women's study group. All are welcome! Please bring your family!
Packing Christmas Food Boxes - Sunday Afternoon, December 17th at 4pm
We will be packing the boxes on Sunday afternoon, December 17th at 4pm. We will need volunteers to help this time because we will be packing 24-25 boxes. If you have any questions, please contact Mike or Robin Mayes.
Singing Service - Sunday Night, December 17th at 6pm
We will meet downstairs in the fellowship area to sing together in worship to God, and to encourage each other. The chairs will be arranged in a circle to intentionally draw attention to the fact that we are a family and are singing to build each other up. For many, these singing events are very moving and powerful. We want you to be there!
Ladies Ornament Party - Tuesday Night, December 19th at 6pm (Please RSVP)
The Ladies Ornament Party will take place Tuesday, December 19th at 6pm, at the home of Carol Roach (986 Inverness Road, Frankfort). Bring an ornament (under $10) if you would like to play the exchange game. Dinner will be provided. Please RSVP to 502-229-6363.
Christmas Eve Schedule - Sunday, December 24th (NO Evening Service)
Our Sunday schedule for Christmas Eve (12/24) will be as follows:
Bible Class (10am)
Worship (11am)
NO Evening Service
How You Can Serve
There are a lot of ways you can get involved and do the work of God in our community!
Limited-Time Opportunities:
Mission Control Challenges
We have 3 new challenges for the month of December that we need your help on. Please see the section above entitled “Missions” for more information.
Operation Re-stock the Food Pantry
The Food Pantry needs to be re-stocked. During the upcoming months we will be asking for specific food donations. There will be a box in the foyer for you to place your food donations. Thank you so much and let’s make Operation re-stock a success!! For the month of December (Christmas Boxes), we need:
Green Beans
Chicken Noodle Soup
Saltine Crackers
Powdered Milk
Muffin Mix
Peanut Butter
Instant Potatoes
Applesauce in JARS
Long-Term Opportunities:
Mission Launch Team
We are needing individuals to sign up for the Mission Launch Team. People on this team commit to working on the Mission Control challenges each month, and they also commit to encouraging at least one other person to work on the missions as well. We need you to sign up for this ministry so we can grow the Mission Control program organically from person to person. Sign up for the Mission Launch Team at the Mission Control Center in the lobby.
Tech Team Support
The Holly Hill Tech Team needs help. We would love to have a few more people trained and available to set up the livestreams and audio equipment. It’s a fairly simple task and you’ll be well trained before being thrown into the seat alone. If you’re interested, see Nick, David, or Brad.
Card Ministry
Every Sunday there are cards spread out on a table in the lobby that will be sent out to various church members and guests who need encouragement. You can help serve and encourage by making sure to sign these cards each week. If you know of someone the church should send a card, please give the name(s) and address to Joyce Best. We have “get-well” cards, “thinking of you” cards, “praying for you” cards, and sympathy cards. You can also text the information to (502) 593-5865.
Casey Blessing Box
The Casey’s are collecting items to give away to those in need in their Blessing Box. Currently, they are accepting donations of: Can goods of fruit and vegetables. Crackers, or cereal.
Shriners Children’s Hospital
Donna White is collecting soda can tabs to donate to the children’s hospital. Please leave your donations in the lobby.
Children’s Bible Class Teachers & Helpers
If you’d be willing to teach, sub, or help, please see Matthew Woodyard. We have a wonderful opportunity to teach God’s Word to our children. Let’s make sure they get our very best! Thank you!
For more information or for help signing up for any of these ministries, please call the church office at: (502) 227-7796
Holly Hill Church of Christ
1020 Holly Hill Drive, Frankfort, KY 40601
Web - www.hollyhillcoc.org
Phone - (502) 227-7796
Email - office@hollyhillcoc.org
Service Times
Sunday Bible Class - 10am
Sunday Morning Worship - 11am
Sunday Evening Worship - 6pm
Wednesday Evening Bible Study - 6:30pm