How To Be The Devil’s Best Friend

“I Am The Vine; You Are The Branches. Whoever Abides In Me And I In Him, He It Is That Bears Much Fruit, For Apart From Me You Can Do Nothing.” John 15:5, ESV


A Mini Message To Take With You This Week To Help You In Your Devotion To God.

How To Be The Devil’s Best Friend

By: Elijah Bell

*** Follow The Link To Watch Sunday’s Sermon Preview On YouTube ***

As part of our series on faith, this Sunday, we're exploring faith in our choice as human beings to be either a friend of the devil, or a child of God. In a world where many people don't believe in the power of sin and the devil, it's all the more important to realize that we could very easily be falling for his traps. This Sunday, we'll look at 4 ways we are either a friend of the devil, or a child of God from 1 John 2:28-3:10. Join us at 10:00 AM for Bible class, and then our worship hour at 11:00 AM. We hope to see you there!


This Section Is For Any Special Announcements That Are Not Upcoming Events Or Prayer Requests.

Ladies Day: “Rooted In Faith, Cultivating Growth” Is This Weekend!

Holly Hill will host our annual Ladies Day on Saturday, March 15, 2025. This year's theme will be “Rooted in Faith, Cultivating Growth” and the speaker will be Heather Jones (Author of “Good Grief” & Bear Valley Bible Institute graduate). If you have plans to attend, be sure to check the Meal Sign-Up sheet that’s linked below.

  • Who Are You Munching With? Send An Email & Let Us Know!

    Who are you munching with, Holly Hill? Every household who’s been at Holly Hill for more than a year is asked to invite at least one individual or family who’s been at Holly Hill less than a year over (or out) for a meal. Then, let the church office know ( whom you had a meal with, and we’ll make sure no one is left out. The goal is to foster as many connections within the congregation as possible so we can make all our new people feel welcome and loved! Please join us for this exciting program!

  • Worship Service - Sunday, March 16, 2025

    Sermon Title: “How To Be The Devil’s Best Friend”

    Sermon Topic: Faith/Sin

    Sermon Text: 1 John 3:1-10

    Call To Worship: Mike Mayes

    Song Leader: David Jones

    Worship Prayer: Tom Roach

    Lord's Supper: Bruce Blanton

    Scripture Reading: Joe Richardson

  • Worship Service - Sunday, March 23, 2025

    Sermon Title: “He Went On His Way Rejoicing”

    Sermon Topic: Faith/Salvation

    Sermon Text: Acts 8:25-40

    Call To Worship: Scott Trent

    Song Leader: Bradley Richardson

    Worship Prayer: Richard Dailey

    Lord’s Supper: David Richardson

    Scripture Reading: Brad Proctor

  • Attendance & Contribution - Sunday, March 9, 2025

    Bible Class Attendance: 81

    Worship Attendance: 137

    Contribution: $3,843.00

    Online Giving Form (Link)

    One Time Contribution (Link)

Sign Up To Use Holly Hill's Congregational Account (Directions Below)

Have you heard about Polishing The Pulpit’s PTP365 Virtual Library? Studying together. Whenever. A church library you will actually use. Holly Hill has recently signed up for a congregational account, which means you can sign up and access all of PTP365's content!

“Browse Our Entire Library”

The Polishing the Pulpit audio/visual archive goes back for decades and contains thousands of high-quality sermons, Bible classes, and training sessions. PTP365 gives your congregation access to our entire library.

“Watch On Any Device”

Our website is easy to use on computers, smartphones, and tablets. Search by speaker, topic, Bible book, and more. Download sermons to listen on the go or stream video sermons for Bible classes or sermons.

If you’re interested in accessing all of this PTP content, you can sign up to Holly Hill's congregational account right now. Follow the seven easy steps listed below to set up and sign in to your PTP365 account!

  • Go to the PTP365 website:

  • Click the “Sign Up” button. There is one located in the middle of the page, as well as the top-right corner of the browser window.

  • Select how you want to sign up. If you are a member of a subscribing congregation, click “I am a member of a subscribing congregation.”

  • Find your congregation. Begin typing the name of your congregation into the box on the screen, then select your congregation. Be sure to check the address, as there are some congregations with the same name! Click “Sign Up” to continue.

  • Enter your name and email address. Type them into the appropriate boxes, then click “Sign Up” to complete the form.

  • Wait for your congregation’s admin to approve. The administrator for your congregation’s account will need to approve your registration before you can use PTP365.

  • Sign in to your PTP365 account. After your congregation’s admin has approved your registration, look for an email from PTP365 with the subject line “Start watching PTP365.” Click the “Start watching” button in the email to sign in to your account. You can also set your account password at this time by clicking the “Set Password” button on the top-right side of the browser window.

Need more help? Email us at


Here Are Some Individuals That Especially Need Our Prayers This Week. Please Keep Them In Mind Every Time You Pray.

New Prayer Requests:

  • Mark McPherson

  • Shirley Hood

  • Phil & Suzanne Wilkins

  • Rhoda Jones & Family

ONGOING PRAYERS FOR: Daniel O’Quinn; Sonia Roach; Clark Galloway; Helen Hall; Joyce Best; Charlene Ramsey; Allie Stone; Inez Chatham; Ernie Casey; Bobby Widener; Ethan Jones; Roger Moore; Jessie Tropoulos; Janice Coffelt; Jerry Mayes; Polly Deaton; Robert Roach Sr.; Emmie Forrest; Rita Tackett; Larry & Renita Clarke; Janice Gregory; Ann Pittman; Janis Friend; Penny Harland; Alyssa Deaton.


Here Are Some Events That Are Coming Up That You Need To Make Space On Your Calendar For.

  • Ladies Day: “Rooted In Faith, Cultivating Growth” - Saturday @ 9:00 AM

    Holly Hill will host a Ladies Day on Saturday, March 15, 2025. This year's theme will be “Rooted in Faith, Cultivating Growth” and the speaker will be Heather Jones (Author of “Good Grief” & Bear Valley Bible Institute graduate).

    • Check In @ 9:00 AM

    • Start Time @ 9:30 AM

    • Lunch To Follow

  • Youth & Family Summer Event Planning Meeting - Sunday @ Immediately Following AM Service

    There will be a Summer Event Planning meeting for Holly Hill’s youth and families on Sunday, March 16, 2025, immediately following our worship service. For further details, please contact Robert Roach or Scott Trent.

  • The Esther Sisterhood Lunch & Devotional - Friday, 3/21 @ 11:30 AM

    The Esther Sisterhood will have a devotional at the home of Sonia Roach & Janice Coffelt. Lunch will be provided. The Frankfort Esther Sisterhood members will meet at the church building at 11:30 AM to carpool together. The Shelbyville Esther's will meet at the Roach residence. Contact Jeannie LeBeau for further details.

  • Women In The Word Bible Study - Tuesday, 3/25 @ 6:00 PM

    A Bible study group for ladies who want to learn Bible study tools for a deeper relationship with God, hosted and taught by Katie Bell. This study will be the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM downstairs in the fellowship hall. This month’s meeting will be on Tuesday, March 25, 2025.

  • WES Pack The Pulpit Event - Sunday, 3/30

    Holly Hill will be responsible for providing meals to Westridge Elementary students in the month of April, so we'll be having a Pack The Pulpit event on Sunday, March 30, 2025. For further details contact Steve or Jenny Jones.

  • Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast - Saturday, 4/5 @ 8:00 AM

    The Men's Bible Study & Breakfast is hosted at the church building on the 1st Saturday of each month at 8:00 AM downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. The next meeting will be on Saturday April 5, 2025.

  • Men’s Business Meeting - Sunday, 4/13 @ 4:30 PM

    There will be a Men’s Business Meeting on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 4:30 PM. We’ll meet downstairs in the fellowship hall and all male members of the church are encouraged to attend. This month's meeting will be on Sunday, April 13, 2025.

  • Women’s Ministry Program Committee Meeting - Sunday, 4/13 @ 4:30 PM

    There will be a Women's Ministry Committee meeting on Sunday, April 13, 2025 at 4:30 PM. We’ll meet upstairs in the auditorium and all committee members are encouraged to attend.

  • Great Day In May - Sunday, 5/4 @ 10:00 AM

    Join us on Sunday, May 4, 2025, as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary at Great Day in May! We’re excited to welcome back W. Tom Hall, who’ll be back to preach at our worship service. Be sure to invite your friends, neighbors, and any former members of Boone Plaza - Louisville Road - Holly Hill! We look forward to seeing you!

    • Bible Class @ 10:00 AM

    • Worship @ 11:00 AM

    • Potluck Meal @ 12:00 PM (Immediately following worship service)

    • A Short Afternoon Devo @ 1:30 PM


There Are A Lot Of Ways You Can Get Involved & Do The Work Of God In Our Community!

Limited-Time Opportunities:

  • WES Backpack Program Needs

    Our February Pack The Pulpit event was a success, despite the weather! Thank you to everyone who donated food, helped pack bags/boxes, and donated time to make this ministry a success! We really appreciate your support. It truly makes a big difference for the children in our community! The Westridge Elementary School Backpack Program is in need of the following items found listed below. Our next Pack The Pulpit event will be Sunday, March 30, 2025. For further details, please contact Steve & Jenny Jones.

    • Tuna/Chicken Packets

    • Ramen Noodle Cups

    • Beanie Weenies (Pop Top)

    • Microwaveable Soups

    • Chef Boyardee

    • Mac-n-Cheese Cups

    • Peanut Butter & Raisin Oatmeal (Individual)

    • Pop Tarts

    • Easy Open Vegetables

    • Easy Open Raisins

  • Operation Re-Stock The Food Pantry: March 2025

    The Food Pantry needs to be re-stocked, so we'll be asking for specific food donations each month. We greatly appreciate each donation we receive! Let’s make Operation: Re-Stock The Food Pantry 2025 a success!!

    For the month of March, we’ll need each of the following:

    • Spaghetti

    • Spaghetti Sauce

    ***The Food Pantry & WES BP Program food donation boxes have been moved to the upstairs area near the elevator, so please place your food donations in the correct box.***

Long-Term Opportunities:

  • Mission Support

    Holly Hill Family,

    Please review this report from the missionary couple we support in Guines, Cuba. In the face of severe adversity, the church is flourishing. I am hoping to visit Cuba in May, and I would like some of the people in the congregation to join me. Please let me know if you have an interest. I will let the congregation know when I have dates.

    Robert Roach

    Mission Report (December 2024 - January 2025) (Link)

  • Women’s Ministry

    If you wish to be involved with our Women’s Ministry or simply seek additional information, contact Vickie Wise today and find out everything you’ll need to get started!

  • Tech Team Support

    The Holly Hill Tech Team needs help. We would love to have a few more people trained and available to set up the livestreams and audio equipment. It’s a fairly simple task and you’ll be well trained before being thrown into the seat alone. If you’re interested, see David Jones, Brad Gregory, or Brad Proctor.

  • Meal Train & Potluck Ministry

    If you’d like to help a family in need of a meal or sign up to bring a dish to a potluck, please contact Robin Mayes or reach out to our office at

  • Youth Activities Planning Committee

    Are you young at heart & looking for a ministry to get involved with at Holly Hill? Look no further! If you’re interested in joining the Youth Activities Planning Committee or seeking additional information, please contact Bruce Blanton or reach out to our office at

  • Children’s Bible Class Ministry

    If you’d be willing to teach, sub, or help, please see Scott Trent. We have a wonderful opportunity to teach God’s Word to our children. Let’s make sure they get our very best! Thank you!

  • Greeting Card Ministry

    Every Sunday there are cards spread out on a table in the auditorium, right in front of the nursery window, which will be sent out to various church members and guests who need encouragement. You can help serve and encourage by making sure to sign these cards each week. If you know someone who would benefit from receiving a card from the church, please give the name(s) and address to Joyce Best. We will have “Get Well” cards, “Thinking of You” cards, “Praying For You” cards, and “Sympathy” cards. You can also text the information to (502) 593-5865.

  • The Casey Blessing Box

    The Casey’s are collecting items for their Blessing Box to help those in need. Currently, they’re accepting donations of canned goods (fruits & vegetables), crackers, & cereal.

  • Shriners Children’s Hospital

    Donna White is collecting soda can tabs to donate to the Shriners Children’s Hospital. Please leave your donations in the lobby.
