Controlled Burning
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5, ESV)
Mini Devotional
A mini message to take with you this week to help you in your devotion to God.
The Importance of Controlled Burning
Devotional by: Tom Roach
During our recent trip through the southwestern states, we drove south on US-180 from Grand Canyon towards Flagstaff, AZ. The area is very green, compared to other parts of Arizona, with large Ponderosa Pine trees covering the mountain slopes and Alpine meadows. Although it was Mid-April, there were still snow drifts scattered about near the road and tree line. Contrasting the white snow and green foliage, many of the Ponderosa’s wore charred bark indicating a recent fire. Sonia made an astute observation about the durability of the trees and how important fire is to forest health.
Ponderosa Pine trees, much like the hardwoods typically found in Kentucky, need fire on a regular basis to preserve their ecosystem. Shed foliage is the primary fuel for the fires. Fire is good for the forest ecosystem by: (1) eliminating fuels which protect human communities from extreme fires; (2) minimizing the spread of pest and insect disease; (3) removing unwanted or evasive plant species; (4) recycling nutrients back into the soil; (5) providing forage and improving the habitat of wildlife, and (6) promoting the growth of native trees, wildflowers, and other native plants ( When naturally occurring fires are infrequent, it becomes necessary for people to conduct controlled or prescribed burns. These are planned and have control measures in place to limit the spread and are done when conditions are most favorable (low or no wind speed and higher humidity levels).
Similarly, controlled fires can be important in our life. Fire purifies, cleanses, and tests our work. Malachi 3:2-3 God sees to the purification of His people like the fire refining gold or silver. This fire causes the impurities to separate from the precious metal. In Matthew 3:12, John the Baptist compares Jesus’ power to the harvest where the wheat is gathered into the barn and the chaff is consumed by fire. 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 states that our very foundation will be tested by fire. Unless it is formed on Christ, it will not survive.
It also removes the undergrowth that limits our growth and interferes with the growth of our offspring. Matthew 6:24 tells us we cannot serve two masters. Colossians 3:2 warns us to think about the things above. Romans 12:2 reminds us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Finally, 1 Corinthians 10:13 states that our temptations are common to man and God provides a way of escape.
Just as the forest is improved through fire, so too are we improved. Just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were protected by God in the fire (Daniel 3:16-28) when they relied on Him, so too shall we be protected when fire rages around us.
This section is for any special announcements that are not upcoming events or prayer requests.
Children’s Bible Class Teachers & Helpers Needed (June-August)
Our Children’s Bible Class ministry will be beginning a new quarter starting Sunday, June 2nd. If you’d be willing to teach, co-teach, or sub for one of our Children’s Bible Classes, please see Matthew Woodyard. Our class curriculum is uploaded to the church’s Google Drive folder, so if anyone would like to read through the material, just let me know and I can send it as soon as possible. We will no longer be asking our non-paid volunteers to teach both Sun AM & Wed PM classes and we will not be combining multiple classes. Our teachers do such an amazing job and work very hard making sure our children learn God’s Word! Let’s do everything we can to support our teachers, subs, and helpers, so they know just how appreciative we are. If you would be willing to help out in any way, please let me know. I’ve posted our current class schedule below for the upcoming quarter (June-Aug). If you’re interested in helping, let me know which class & which day, and I’ll make sure you get everything that you’ll need in advance. We have an extensive curriculum for both our school aged & non-school aged kids. The sooner you familiarize yourself with the materials, the more effective teacher you’ll be. We have a wonderful opportunity to teach God’s Word to our children. Let’s make sure they get our very best! Thank you!
“And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me…”’ Matthew 18:2-5 ESV
Nursery (Sun AM) - Stephenia Bowman
Nursery (Wed PM) - Carly Gill
18-36 Month (Sun AM) - Michele Blanton
18-36 Month (Wed PM) - NO TEACHER
K-2nd Grade (Sun AM) - NO TEACHER
K-2nd Grade (Wed PM) - NO TEACHER
3rd-5th Grade (Sun AM) - Mike & Robin Mayes
3rd-5th Grade (Wed PM) - NO TEACHER
“Avenues For Women” Baby Bottle Collection
Holly Hill Family,
Each Mother's Day we pass out Baby Bottles to benefit Avenues for Women. It is a community organization dedicated to working with women to choose life and provides a variety of services. They even work with men and post-abortion women. It has a Christ based focus. We will start with 2 milk crates of baby bottles. They will be located at the main entrance. Let's each take one or two and have such a strong demand that we need even more bottles. The bottles are returned when they are filled. Just place in one of the crates. We try to have them in by Father's Day. Let's see if we can raise 2,000 for this great organization. Remember as Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, writes in I Corinthians 6:19:
“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
Thanks for your support.
Robert Roach
Marriage Retreat at Cumberland Fall’s Lodge
Our Marriage Retreat at Cumberland Falls Lodge (7351 Highway 90, Corbin, KY 40701) will be held Friday through Sunday, August 23rd-25th. Our Guest Speaker will be Adam Currence, LPCC. The cost will be $150 per couple, which includes your hotel room. If you plan to attend the retreat, you must sign-up and pay NLT June 1st.
Holly Hill’s “Family Bible Day”
Holly Hill’s “Family Bible Day” will be Saturday, June 8th from 8am to 1pm. We will have breakfast, bible classes, lunch, and fun activities! This will be a fun and relaxed day for the Holly Hill family to get together, and fellowship, while we learn some Bible.
Kids & Teens Devo at The Blanton’s Farm (POSTPONED)
Since there are a lot of kids that cannot come to this event, we will reschedule to a different date to be determined very soon.
Church Records - Sunday, May 5th
Bible Class Attendance - 88
Worship Attendance - 154
Contribution - $13,685.00
Here are some individuals that especially need our prayers this week. Please keep them in mind every time you pray.
New Prayer Requests:
Missy Farmer
Karen Durman
Phil Wilkins
Janice Gregory
Rhoda Jones
Brenda Perkins
Ongoing Prayers For: The Shoemaker & Paris Family, Charlotte Chowning, Larry & Renita Clarke, Barbara Sudduth, Tim Lilly, The Franklin Family (Matthew, April, & Anna Marie), Tany Phipps (Brenda Stone’s niece), Valerie Clark, The Poulter & Best Family, The Steele Family, Robin Ibershoff, The Bates Family, Roger Caudill, Judy Casey, Inez Chatham, John Widener Jr., The Tropoulos Family, Rita Tackett (Alyson Woodyard’s aunt), Cynthia Whitehead (friend of the Blanton’s), Patsy Cable (Bruce Blanton’s aunt), Ann Pittman, Mark McPherson, Janis Friend, Betty Blanton, Helen Hall, Penny Harland (Katie Bell’s mother), Alyssa Deaton, & Polly Deaton.
Please submit your prayer requests for inclusion at
Upcoming Events
Here are some events that are coming up that you need to make space on your calendar for.
REAL Ladies Bible Study - Monday, May 13th (6pm)
The REAL Ladies will meet this month on Monday, May 13th at 6pm. This month’s class will be held at the church building, downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. April & Michele Blanton will teach this month’s class. Bring your favorite appetizer. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board.
Kids & Teens Devo - Saturday, May 18th (POSTPONED)
Since there are a lot of kids that cannot come to this event, we will reschedule to a different date to be determined very soon.
Elder, Deacon, Minister Meeting - Sunday, May 19th (2pm)
Our monthly Elder, Deacon, & Minister Meeting will be Sunday, May 19th at 2pm. We'll meet at the church building, downstairs in the fellowship hall.
“Women Of The Word” Bible Study Group - Monday, May 20th (10am)
A Bible study group for ladies who want to learn Bible study tools for a deeper relationship with God, hosted and taught by Katie Bell.
“Women Of The Word” Bible Study Group - Tuesday, May 21st (6pm)
A Bible study group for ladies who want to learn Bible study tools for a deeper relationship with God, hosted and taught by Katie Bell.
“Family Bible Day” - Saturday, June 8th (8am)
Holly Hill’s “Family Bible Day” will be Saturday, June 8th from 8am to 1pm. We will have breakfast, bible classes, lunch, and fun activities! This will be a fun and relaxed day for the Holly Hill family to get together, and fellowship, while we learn some Bible.
Marriage Retreat at Cumberland Falls Lodge - August 23rd-25th
Our Marriage Retreat at Cumberland Falls Lodge (7351 Highway 90, Corbin, KY 40701) will be held Friday through Sunday, August 23rd-25th. Our Guest Speaker will be Adam Currence, LPCC. The cost will be $150 per couple, which includes your hotel room. If you plan to attend the retreat, you must sign-up and pay NLT June 1st.
How You Can Serve
There are a lot of ways you can get involved and do the work of God in our community!
Limited-Time Opportunities:
“Avenues For Women” Baby Bottle Collection
Holly Hill Family,
Each Mother's Day we pass out Baby Bottles to benefit Avenues for Women. It is a community organization dedicated to working with women to choose life and provides a variety of services. They even work with men and post-abortion women. It has a Christ based focus. We will start with 2 milk crates of baby bottles. They will be located at the main entrance. Let's each take one or two and have such a strong demand that we need even more bottles. The bottles are returned when they are filled. Just place in one of the crates. We try to have them in by Father's Day. Let's see if we can raise 2,000 for this great organization. Remember as Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, writes in I Corinthians 6:19:
“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
Thanks for your support.
Robert Roach
Operation Re-Stock the Food Pantry
The Food Pantry needs to be re-stocked. During the upcoming months we will be asking for specific food donations. There will be a box in the foyer for you to place your food donations. Thank you so much and let’s make Operation re-stock a success!! For the month of May, we need:
Beef Stew
Chicken Noodle Soup
Long-Term Opportunities:
Tech Team Support
The Holly Hill Tech Team needs help. We would love to have a few more people trained and available to set up the livestreams and audio equipment. It’s a fairly simple task and you’ll be well trained before being thrown into the seat alone. If you’re interested, see Nick, David, or Brad.
Card Ministry
Every Sunday there are cards spread out on a table in the lobby that will be sent out to various church members and guests who need encouragement. You can help serve and encourage by making sure to sign these cards each week. If you know of someone the church should send a card, please give the name(s) and address to Joyce Best. We have “get-well” cards, “thinking of you” cards, “praying for you” cards, and sympathy cards. You can also text the information to (502) 593-5865.
Casey Blessing Box
The Casey’s are collecting items to give away to those in need in their Blessing Box. Currently, they are accepting donations of: Can goods of fruit and vegetables. Crackers, or cereal.
Shriners Children’s Hospital
Donna White is collecting soda can tabs to donate to the children’s hospital. Please leave your donations in the lobby.
Children’s Bible Class Teachers & Helpers
If you’d be willing to teach, sub, or help, please see Matthew Woodyard. We have a wonderful opportunity to teach God’s Word to our children. Let’s make sure they get our very best! Thank you!
For more information or for help signing up for any of these ministries, please call the church office at: (502) 227-7796
Holly Hill Church of Christ
1020 Holly Hill Drive, Frankfort, KY 40601
Web -
Phone - (502) 227-7796
Email -
Service Times
Sunday Bible Class - 10am
Sunday Morning Worship - 11am
Sunday Evening Worship - 6pm
Wednesday Evening Bible Study - 6:30pm